The End
By ENG Mihály Gaming
Well, my dear traveler, your journey with my DYOM missions has ended. Of course, if you're not that kind of stranger who just found this mission first, then I recommend you to please play the previous missions first, then watch this last one, where you don't even have to do anything, just watch a cutscene. :D Yeah, this is my last DYOM mission that I ever made. It's time for me to retire. And I'm sorry for the escape mission, it was really difficult, I know, but you could've used the pay n spray :D
One more thing, if you played all my DYOM missions, I would appreciate it so much, if you'd rate it, and leave a comment too. Goodbye, stranger, I hope you enjoyed my missions, I know except the escape mission, sorry again for that, I didn't think about that. Bye now. :)
One more thing, if you played all my DYOM missions, I would appreciate it so much, if you'd rate it, and leave a comment too. Goodbye, stranger, I hope you enjoyed my missions, I know except the escape mission, sorry again for that, I didn't think about that. Bye now. :)
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Nov 22 '23
- Views
- 186
- Downloads
- 315
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 24
- Actors
- 12
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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Added by ENG Mihály Gaming on Nov 22 2023, 16:18
Sometimes, there's a bug, where Zoli runs to his own dead body in the cutscene. Sorry about that guys, just ignore that. Zoli died in the mission called What's important is...
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