Grenade Parkour
By kurtis2221
This mission can be very fustrating. It requires good timing and jumping.
It's short, because you can't have unlimited health and respawning at the last checkpoint.
There's health and armor before every jump.
The idea came from my old SA-MP days, when I played on a server with a grenade jump gamemode, but with infinite health.
This mission can be very fustrating. It requires good timing and jumping.
It's short, because you can't have unlimited health and respawning at the last checkpoint.
There's health and armor before every jump.
The idea came from my old SA-MP days, when I played on a server with a grenade jump gamemode, but with infinite health.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 03 '23
- Views
- 581
- Downloads
- 432
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 7
- Actors
- 0
- Cars
- 0
- Pickups
- 30
- Objects
- 3

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Added by Tay K on Dec 05 2023, 16:51
good mission
Added by Tay K on Dec 05 2023, 16:51
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