majima vs oksei shishido
By TrippyB
this is what happen if it is majima who fite oksei shishido not kiryu at end of like a dragon gayden.
this mission is non cannon to TBU (trippyb univurs) so things happen here not gonna be mention in other TBU mission!
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here:
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 12/10/2023
this mission is non cannon to TBU (trippyb univurs) so things happen here not gonna be mention in other TBU mission!
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here:
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 12/10/2023
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 11 '23
- Views
- 284
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- 265
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- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
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- yes
- Objectives
- 25
- Actors
- 6
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 4
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Added by AidanCorgi on Dec 11 2023, 22:03
Do you have a discord or something we got to talk trippy youre a legend
Added by TrippyB on Dec 11 2023, 22:48
yes cheak you profile i send you new comment
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