Defenders of The Robada Corner
By TheFakeOmorI

The mission starts you as a East Slav Mercenary, establishing a secret area at the top corner of the Tierra Robada with your fellow comrades from a private company owned by the mercenaries and recruited conscripts after planning to travel the forbidden area in a decade with lots of "Grade-A Military Hardware" that kept on for a storage before on use. The base corners around the area filled vehicles, friendly mercenaries guarding at the outpost, and object borders to cover up from dirty looters at down hill that keep storming in the place.
Break a leg for it man, this mission is about to get messy. Raiders have lots of health (2500) and a heavy weapons will marked you to death. (They don't carry miniguns because the mission gets nearly impossible to beat it.
Break a leg for it man, this mission is about to get messy. Raiders have lots of health (2500) and a heavy weapons will marked you to death. (They don't carry miniguns because the mission gets nearly impossible to beat it.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Mar 14 '24
- Views
- 507
- Downloads
- 289
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 23
- Actors
- 50
- Cars
- 37
- Pickups
- 28
- Objects
- 98

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