[MOTW #242] Team RWBY BBQ!
By TrippyB

theme for motw is "yards"
ruby, weiss, blake and yang are student in beacon acadmy who just finish 1 semmester of class. they were hope for relaxing in there dorm room but it has to be lock becos of rats. while wait for new dorm room, yang say they should do back yard bbq! but they dont have good yard, so they just borrow other back yard. tho borrowing of random back yard without asking owner has alot of problem...
this mission work with DYOM skip addon.
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ixtl8h0yv94gnd4/TBM01.zip/file
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 4/7/2024
update 4/8/2024
add more info to description
ruby, weiss, blake and yang are student in beacon acadmy who just finish 1 semmester of class. they were hope for relaxing in there dorm room but it has to be lock becos of rats. while wait for new dorm room, yang say they should do back yard bbq! but they dont have good yard, so they just borrow other back yard. tho borrowing of random back yard without asking owner has alot of problem...
this mission work with DYOM skip addon.
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ixtl8h0yv94gnd4/TBM01.zip/file
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 4/7/2024
update 4/8/2024
add more info to description
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Apr 08 '24
- Views
- 653
- Downloads
- 382
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 97
- Actors
- 76
- Cars
- 7
- Pickups
- 5
- Objects
- 46

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