[MOTW #242 WINNER]The GraveYard Showdown
By Tay K

What's up my friend,this is the link containing the mission along with the SD audio files and mods, they are highly recommended in order to have more fun.
(Roberto) a notorious mafia leader and well respected unfortunately passed away at 67, his son (Johnny) who's a trouble maker is always hanging out with the mexican gang "vagos" instead of being with the mafia because he thinks his dad is insane, meanwhile his other son (Dwayne - you) and his daughter (Melissa) are loyal to their dad. After (Roberto) died, (Johnny) without any pity took his share of the inheritance money, but that did not satisfy him, he creeped on the family (Dwayne - Melissa - other family members) while they're at (roberto)'s funural that he did not attend obviously, and rudely asked for his so called father's share of the inheritance, but (Dwayne) refused obviously since he already took his share, and things took a bad turn... Play the mission to found out what happened!
Grammar fix & Reviewing: RedBaron (thanks to him)
The mission was tested a hundred times, not only by me but also by RedBaron, so don't expect any crashes, if however you did face crashes at some point, it's defenitely not from my mission, make sure to have framelimiter and fastman adjuster!
(Roberto) a notorious mafia leader and well respected unfortunately passed away at 67, his son (Johnny) who's a trouble maker is always hanging out with the mexican gang "vagos" instead of being with the mafia because he thinks his dad is insane, meanwhile his other son (Dwayne - you) and his daughter (Melissa) are loyal to their dad. After (Roberto) died, (Johnny) without any pity took his share of the inheritance money, but that did not satisfy him, he creeped on the family (Dwayne - Melissa - other family members) while they're at (roberto)'s funural that he did not attend obviously, and rudely asked for his so called father's share of the inheritance, but (Dwayne) refused obviously since he already took his share, and things took a bad turn... Play the mission to found out what happened!
Grammar fix & Reviewing: RedBaron (thanks to him)
The mission was tested a hundred times, not only by me but also by RedBaron, so don't expect any crashes, if however you did face crashes at some point, it's defenitely not from my mission, make sure to have framelimiter and fastman adjuster!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Apr 15 '24
- Views
- 1128
- Downloads
- 611
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 5
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 88
- Actors
- 100
- Cars
- 11
- Pickups
- 12
- Objects
- 44

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Added by Vob on Apr 09 2024, 13:58
DUDE, good but the fastman sucks, allways crashin', and if you not stand inside the building you will lose :O
Added by Miran on Apr 10 2024, 16:49
Headshot immune opponents ;/
Added by horus_submissions on Apr 13 2024, 09:01
Preparing ModDB article for you
Added by Tay K on Apr 13 2024, 15:03
Thank you bro
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also i dont use fastman adjuster but no crash so this mission dont have crash problem imo