[MOTW #243] Grove Kingdom
By TrippyB
theme for motw is "puzzle"
when suddenly cj get hurt so bad it almost kill him, he is now sleeping and put in his own dream world and if he not wakeup, he will die. dream world is make by cjs memorys and cj need to do puzzles to get back memorys so he can wakeup.
i hope your smarts of gta san andreas is strong! some puzzle need knowing of gta SA story to know correct answer! also remember if you see yellow words their importent for doing the puzzle! so take pic of them if you needed
importent note: i recomend useing frame limter to cap 30 fps so intro scene play correct! after you can turn off
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm + sfx here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k7jdmeqc5oa175q/TBM02.zip/file
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 4/14/2024
update 4/27/2024
did some small work hideing object not being use
change dialog of puzzle #3 and puzzle #5 so answer is not too easy
change color of vagos cars in puzzle #5
added orginal upload date cos i forgot
update 5/11/2024
change dialog of last puzzle so its less fooling
when suddenly cj get hurt so bad it almost kill him, he is now sleeping and put in his own dream world and if he not wakeup, he will die. dream world is make by cjs memorys and cj need to do puzzles to get back memorys so he can wakeup.
i hope your smarts of gta san andreas is strong! some puzzle need knowing of gta SA story to know correct answer! also remember if you see yellow words their importent for doing the puzzle! so take pic of them if you needed
importent note: i recomend useing frame limter to cap 30 fps so intro scene play correct! after you can turn off
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm + sfx here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k7jdmeqc5oa175q/TBM02.zip/file
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 4/14/2024
update 4/27/2024
did some small work hideing object not being use
change dialog of puzzle #3 and puzzle #5 so answer is not too easy
change color of vagos cars in puzzle #5
added orginal upload date cos i forgot
update 5/11/2024
change dialog of last puzzle so its less fooling
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 11 '24
- Views
- 979
- Downloads
- 356
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 5
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 99
- Actors
- 86
- Cars
- 27
- Pickups
- 3
- Objects
- 64
SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | grove kingdom walkthru (SPOILER) | TrippyB | Apr 15 2024, 01:08 | 0 |
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Added by X-Men Rogue on Apr 18 2024, 06:57
An atypical mission, you have to think well
Added by sunwinds on Apr 20 2024, 18:43
Amazing and creative stuff, Trippy. The way you write your stories makes your missions unintentionally(?) hilarious. Your previous MOTW entry was awesome as well.
Added by TrippyB on Apr 20 2024, 23:49
thanx u sunwinds! i think lots other MOTW makers have better mission but im glad you liking my mission!
Added by Talal_07 on Apr 21 2024, 09:34
Solving riddles from text is awesome.. I give 3/5.
Story is also very good.
Story is also very good.
Added by Metalboy Holo on Apr 29 2024, 07:38
story and riddles are good i guess
except that last one, that last one FUCKED me because i thought i had to choose
note: just at the last one do nothing and stand still
except that last one, that last one FUCKED me because i thought i had to choose
note: just at the last one do nothing and stand still
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