[DYOMC #12] TGC: Dark Days Are Coming
By RedBaron

NEW UPDATE AVAILABLE: Fixes Mission 3's Cutscene Fence Prop misplaced. Also fixes the weird issue of the explosion radius reaching the biker in Mission 6 in 69Cent's game. Fixed credits referring to Surviving Terrorist as TL (Now he's referred to as the actual initials of his character name in the subtitles, which is ST).
Screw this damned MP, i never wanna touch it again! It consumed far too much of my time, next time i touch it, will be in the form of a damned videogame that i might sell to compensate the filth that i had to deal with regarding DYOM's buggy mod engine nature and the future troubles that i will have to deal with regarding Game Development:
Story: You're Agent Keith, you wake up in a new body after an incident in 2000 happened, confused, you talk with this scientist next to you for a couple of minutes until you figure out you are now an newly created and advanced Cyborg from the year 2009, same year that The Discharger 4: Emancipation released. You got a lot of catching up to do and a lot of government work ahead of you apparently, are you up for the challenge?
Warning: This MP is very challenging, the most challenging one i've made yet! Play tactically and use all your senses, collect health and armor pickups and you'll be a-ok on your first job as a badass Government Cyborg!
SM2000: Target Practice
SM2000: Speed Training 3
SM2000: Speed Training 1
SM2: EE - Training
DRIV3R Soundtrack/Music/OST - Surveillance
Molotov - No Manches Mi Vida
Bulldog - Jum Up
Raveled - Far (Instrumental)
Raveled - Far
Raveled - Rukkus (Instrumental)
Raveled - Rukkus
Twisted Metal: Black - Cutscene OST - Rocket Rave / Kelly Can't Swim
Sanodg - Heroes Never Die
Tarmvred - Subfusc Pt. Four
Raveled - Kumouttoplay (Instrumental)
Raveled - Kumouttoplay
Matt Harris - Strange Stuff
TMB: Cutscene Music - Orchestra Drama (7.9 secs cutscene)
TMB: Cutscene Music - Mechanical Loop
Allele - Fake
Twisted Metal: Black OST - Junkyard Battle
Twisted Metal: Black OST - Freeway Final Enemy Music
TMB - Warhawk's Rooftop x Minion's Stadium Theme (Rave.DJ)
Twisted Metal Black: Cutscene Music - Slave
Twisted Metal Black: Cutscene Music - Mortal Fear
Drowning Pool & X-Men Legends - Think Lab [Rave.DJ]
DRIV3R Soundtrack/Music/OST - Miami Normal 8
DRIV3R Soundtrack/Music/OST - Alleyway
Fear Factory - Zero Signal
Raveled - Waking up to Music (Raveled - Far)
Fear Factory - ShockStinger (Zero Signal)
Fear Factory - TO BE CONTINUED... (Zero Signal)
Fear Factory - Danger Stinger (Self Bias Resistor)
Car Engine not starting noise - Sound Effect
Rockstar - 9MM Gunshot
Fear Factory - TO BE CONTINUED... (Zero Signal)
RedBaron and Rockstar - Jet Transplant
Rockstar - Alarm
4x "elevator buttons" (Mouse Click) - SoundReality
Confirmation sound / Interface - UNIVERSIFILED
elevatorliftstart - Rockstar
elevator lift / Mecha2 supercut - Rockstar
elevatorliftend - Rockstar
Fear Factory - Action Stinger
Fear Factory - Danger Stinger
Fear Factory - Discoverystinger (H-K Hunter Killer)
Terminator 3: The Redemption - Scan Vision
Rockstar - Fire Start
Youtube - Electricity Sound Effect xd
Rockstar - Glass Shatter and Gunshot
Youtube - glass crack effect
Youtube - Door Key Card SOUND Effect
Youtube - Keycard Activation Sounds
Rockstar - weird opening
Youtube - Bionic Sound Effect
Redbaron and Rockstar - Time Travel (boot and start)
Youtube - Kick Sound Effect
Youtube - Guns- Colt M4 Sound Effect ?Mexian Tech Vlog
Youtube - Door Open and Close Sound Effects
Youtube - Fireball sound effect
Rockstar - Electro
VoiceChanger.IO - for several effects used in phone calls and recordings.
Most textures and Reskins/remodels by RedBaron
VWMYCD Beta Cash Retexture by brooklynzsmac
Terrorist (Skin by Slingshot753, torn and damaged edit by me)
T3: ROTM T-900 converted model by AleksGTA (custom D-800 retexture by me using IMGonline and Photoshop)
Voice Work:
Tatsuya Suzuki as CEO
WeilByte's Tiktok TTS:
English US Male 4 as Terrorist
Characters Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) as Frank Horrigan
Real Life Voice Actors:
RedBaron as A. Keith, M. Whyte, Guard, SFPD, JC, ???123, ST, AUSL, USSRL, David, HK, Biker.
Screw this damned MP, i never wanna touch it again! It consumed far too much of my time, next time i touch it, will be in the form of a damned videogame that i might sell to compensate the filth that i had to deal with regarding DYOM's buggy mod engine nature and the future troubles that i will have to deal with regarding Game Development:
Story: You're Agent Keith, you wake up in a new body after an incident in 2000 happened, confused, you talk with this scientist next to you for a couple of minutes until you figure out you are now an newly created and advanced Cyborg from the year 2009, same year that The Discharger 4: Emancipation released. You got a lot of catching up to do and a lot of government work ahead of you apparently, are you up for the challenge?
Warning: This MP is very challenging, the most challenging one i've made yet! Play tactically and use all your senses, collect health and armor pickups and you'll be a-ok on your first job as a badass Government Cyborg!
SM2000: Target Practice
SM2000: Speed Training 3
SM2000: Speed Training 1
SM2: EE - Training
DRIV3R Soundtrack/Music/OST - Surveillance
Molotov - No Manches Mi Vida
Bulldog - Jum Up
Raveled - Far (Instrumental)
Raveled - Far
Raveled - Rukkus (Instrumental)
Raveled - Rukkus
Twisted Metal: Black - Cutscene OST - Rocket Rave / Kelly Can't Swim
Sanodg - Heroes Never Die
Tarmvred - Subfusc Pt. Four
Raveled - Kumouttoplay (Instrumental)
Raveled - Kumouttoplay
Matt Harris - Strange Stuff
TMB: Cutscene Music - Orchestra Drama (7.9 secs cutscene)
TMB: Cutscene Music - Mechanical Loop
Allele - Fake
Twisted Metal: Black OST - Junkyard Battle
Twisted Metal: Black OST - Freeway Final Enemy Music
TMB - Warhawk's Rooftop x Minion's Stadium Theme (Rave.DJ)
Twisted Metal Black: Cutscene Music - Slave
Twisted Metal Black: Cutscene Music - Mortal Fear
Drowning Pool & X-Men Legends - Think Lab [Rave.DJ]
DRIV3R Soundtrack/Music/OST - Miami Normal 8
DRIV3R Soundtrack/Music/OST - Alleyway
Fear Factory - Zero Signal
Raveled - Waking up to Music (Raveled - Far)
Fear Factory - ShockStinger (Zero Signal)
Fear Factory - TO BE CONTINUED... (Zero Signal)
Fear Factory - Danger Stinger (Self Bias Resistor)
Car Engine not starting noise - Sound Effect
Rockstar - 9MM Gunshot
Fear Factory - TO BE CONTINUED... (Zero Signal)
RedBaron and Rockstar - Jet Transplant
Rockstar - Alarm
4x "elevator buttons" (Mouse Click) - SoundReality
Confirmation sound / Interface - UNIVERSIFILED
elevatorliftstart - Rockstar
elevator lift / Mecha2 supercut - Rockstar
elevatorliftend - Rockstar
Fear Factory - Action Stinger
Fear Factory - Danger Stinger
Fear Factory - Discoverystinger (H-K Hunter Killer)
Terminator 3: The Redemption - Scan Vision
Rockstar - Fire Start
Youtube - Electricity Sound Effect xd
Rockstar - Glass Shatter and Gunshot
Youtube - glass crack effect
Youtube - Door Key Card SOUND Effect
Youtube - Keycard Activation Sounds
Rockstar - weird opening
Youtube - Bionic Sound Effect
Redbaron and Rockstar - Time Travel (boot and start)
Youtube - Kick Sound Effect
Youtube - Guns- Colt M4 Sound Effect ?Mexian Tech Vlog
Youtube - Door Open and Close Sound Effects
Youtube - Fireball sound effect
Rockstar - Electro
VoiceChanger.IO - for several effects used in phone calls and recordings.
Most textures and Reskins/remodels by RedBaron
VWMYCD Beta Cash Retexture by brooklynzsmac
Terrorist (Skin by Slingshot753, torn and damaged edit by me)
T3: ROTM T-900 converted model by AleksGTA (custom D-800 retexture by me using IMGonline and Photoshop)
Voice Work:
Tatsuya Suzuki as CEO
WeilByte's Tiktok TTS:
English US Male 4 as Terrorist
Characters Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) as Frank Horrigan
Real Life Voice Actors:
RedBaron as A. Keith, M. Whyte, Guard, SFPD, JC, ???123, ST, AUSL, USSRL, David, HK, Biker.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 07 '24
- Views
- 1427
- Downloads
- 140
- Trailers
- 4
- Comments
- 13

SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | Reveal Trailer | RedBaron | May 04 2024, 09:58 | 0 |
PLAY | Walkthrough | RedBaron | May 07 2024, 09:54 | 0 |
PLAY | DYOM Mission Contest #12 - Walkthrough | horus_submissions | May 12 2024, 10:22 | 0 |
PLAY | TGC: Dark Days Are Coming - GTA SA | Ulukkar | Oct 12 2024, 17:14 | 0 |
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Added by horus_submissions on May 04 2024, 10:12
I'll get through this today. I decide not to record everything in a binge, but separately.
Added by RedBaron on May 04 2024, 10:13
You're not gonna regret this, this is my best work yet.
Added by horus_submissions on May 04 2024, 14:52
I don't know if its intentional, i'm using the newest Audio FX and all of that but... I still dont hear some voices at some dialogs. By the way I can't record it fully (i would need to enable windowed mode) because everytime a mission ends it crashes even with frame limiter, prompting me to log out of the system to close the app
Added by horus_submissions on May 04 2024, 14:54
And it corrupts the recording that way. Eh. I don't know man I don't want to replay this. Difficulty is not that easy and i spent 50 minutes playing (and only managed to get through to 4th mission) It is really pain in the ass doing this. Windowed Mode mods crashing my game too when i tried them last time.
Added by horus_submissions on May 04 2024, 14:55
50 minute recording went to waste...
Added by horus_submissions on May 04 2024, 14:58
I'll try to do it again tommorow. The mission pack itself is BADASS! I love everything. Stardust entry was just... meh... When i saw the 1st mission being only a cutscene mission I started to wonder if he did the full mission in cutscene. The quality is enormous, and Stardust has no chance. Let's see if any other guys enter
Added by RedBaron on May 04 2024, 20:02
Make sure to play without limit adjuster and Project 2DFX (only downside is you can't see the rocket ship launching into space, only it's explosion particles)
Added by RedBaron on May 04 2024, 20:03
I've recorded the whole thing and it took me 2 hours max, but i might scrap the recording because it kept lagging and messing up the timing of the objectives, i need to reconfigure my OBS.
Added by RedBaron on May 04 2024, 20:09
By not using Limit Adjuster and 2DFX, i was able to record all missions (except 6th, which crashed at the end) properly.
Added by RedBaron on May 05 2024, 00:41
Play with Frame Limiter on!
Added by horus_submissions on May 05 2024, 12:21
Yeah, i'll replay it. My disk died and i have the last one remaining which is old too. But at least it doesn't turns off! But it's mega slow. Thanks for ya help in the tough time.
Added by RedBaron on May 07 2024, 02:15
Word of advice to anyone inspecting this page, the new update is only meant to be installed after downloading the actual MP, the mp's not in that update, only the updated Mission 3 and 6 files are in the update files, you still need the MP's files to be downloaded first.
Added by horus_submissions on May 07 2024, 16:40
As Solomon Richards said in the mission where we premiered our first movie in GTA V: WE DID IT! WE FUCKIN' DID IT. I did it too. And btw, nothing crashed lol
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