DYOM » Missions » OG Loc's return

OG Loc's return

By Ulukkar

What this mission offers:
- Alternate ending for OG Loc
- Voicelines from cloned voices of the original characters
- Many hidden pickups, both familiar and new
- Varied enemy placements for replayability
- Useful friends that enhance gameplay
- Action-packed sequences and engaging dialogues
- A polished and refined experience
- Health, armor, weapons, and ammo will not reset during the mission
- No SilentPatch required

You can get the voice files here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wq5pvan85oaag0t/OG_Loc%2527s_return.7z/file



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Last Update
Sep 25 '24

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Rated 7 times, Average 4.43

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PLAYOG Loc's return (DYOM) - GTA SAUlukkarSep 22 2024, 01:25
"OG Loc's return (DYOM) - GTA SA"
Rated 1 times, Average 5

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PLAYPlaythrough w. Commentary by ->RedBaronSep 25 2024, 04:57
"Playthrough w. Commentary by ->"
Rated 1 times, Average 5

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Added by Stardust101 on Sep 22 2024, 01:38
Awesome mission. 5 Stars.
Added by RedBaron on Sep 22 2024, 02:51
Pretty good and polished mission, which looks like something Rockstar made back then to test out the Mission Pack feature. From the writing down to the gameplay, it felt like the vanilla SA i grew up with, really awesome. 5 Stars.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 22 2024, 07:36
When Baron is commenting on this mission I know it's gonna be a banger. Probably will do a small marathon playing some coolio missions. I'll try it here.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 24 2024, 10:13
Cool mission, ruined with an awful enemies design. Didn't put any armor or health on Grove, therefore died couple of times - takes away the fun. Wanted level is enabled so it's there to even more annoy you and mission is boosted with 5 star ratings. Beautiful mission ruined by annoying enemies as well 2/5
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 24 2024, 10:27
And Baron, no - Rockstar wouldn't made this shit too difficult and they wouldn't decrease enemy accuracies either while showing off a promotional video and then increasing it to become too difficult that you would certainly need to use cheats :)
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 24 2024, 11:07
Correction: If there's an armor on Grove Street, it is not visible. And even if an unexperienced player would try to roam around he would 90% of times probably die searching it. I'm not that much experienced (i'm only experienced in driving) and have mouse & keyboard problems most of the times so it is quite annoying
Added by Ulukkar on Sep 24 2024, 11:54
As I replied to your comment on my video, I didn't change anything when making the video, it's the exact same mission.
Also, as stated in the description here and in the video, you can find a lot of hidden pickups, both the regular ones that exist on Grove Street in the vanilla game and new ones, like armor in CJ's closet or stuff in the garage, even more so before entering the club, you just have to look for it, it's not even that hidden.
The wanted level is a design choice, it's set
Added by Ulukkar on Sep 24 2024, 11:54
... it's set to 1 during the Grove Street battle and then to a maximum of 1 later before entering the club, only then is it actually disabled.
Added by RedBaron on Sep 24 2024, 19:14
And Horus, yes - Rockstar would've definitely made this as a post end of the line mission, if you had searched more, you wouldn't have died, there are literally 0 enemies in the back of grove street so you can explore there and find weapon pickups around the place, some even from the story mode. There's an armor in the closet.

And about the gameplay, you just need a faster reaction time but until then, it'll take a lot of times and apparently, impatience is one of your personality traits,
Added by RedBaron on Sep 24 2024, 19:15
how about this, i record this mission for you and you include it in your video, how about that? You include your "review" (seems more like hate to me) and you include mine in the mix, the people will decide who's opinion is best. Sometimes people enjoy a challenge, i certainly did.
Added by RedBaron on Sep 24 2024, 19:16
About Sniper Elite, i agree, the first mission is unbeatable, even with the easy edits.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 25 2024, 11:22
I feel like it's not more than a hate, but rather it's annoyingly difficult that I just doesn't want to play the mission fully through. For me it's not fun getting killed bunch of times. Yes I'm very impatient but also won't have alot of time to retry after failing 90 times. It feels forced that you suddenly want to give me permission to air the mission - I will not. I don't like it, even if its your buddy.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 25 2024, 11:24
The mission design - from dialogs it's pretty well done but enemy design is to annoy the player. Not many people like challenges, maybe those DYOM veterans on DYOM discord like I said and sent to you in the e-mail. And I also do suspect still, that ratings are boosted and would want people not associated with him to post their own ratings too.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 25 2024, 11:28
And wow, suddenly you label me as a "hate" comment when I just shared my own opinion (suspected that this was going to be taken that way because you defend your buddy) its alright I guess. It was kinda harsh giving it 2 so i'll bump it up to 3 if I can, but that's all I can do. I don't agree with 5 stars. That's all. As you said, it's the matter if you like challenge or not.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 25 2024, 11:32
And strangest thing to me is, you said that you gonna leave DYOM for a long time, but now you suddenly come back, because your buddy's ego seems to be hurt, maybe caused by my opinion, and all of the sudden you wanna post DYOM commentary vid? Kinda dirty man if that's why you've done this. Anyway, keep the vid on your channel and I'll always be real if I don't like the mission or if I like it. You don't need to always agree with my opinion.
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 25 2024, 11:35
*wanna post commentary vid on my channel (Took that as I'm a weaker one not recording this mission while you pass it with ease, that's what I wanted to say)
Added by horus_submissions on Sep 25 2024, 12:05
I guess I'm getting old and impatient and maybe im in the wrong here but yeah enjoy your ratings bud.
Added by Ulukkar on Sep 25 2024, 18:07
This has nothing to do with ego, I just thought your previous comments were unfair, since you accused me of lowering the difficulty for the video, not doing anything about the wanted level, and not adding pickups.
Added by Ulukkar on Sep 25 2024, 18:07
I never intended to annoy the player with the enemies, I just don't like making missions too easy, I want the player to have to focus to win, but not in an unfair way like giving combat shotguns to everyone, in a more manageable way and with extra pickups for those who need it, something I tried to make clear in the mission description.
Added by Ulukkar on Sep 25 2024, 18:08
Also, I can't say much about the ratings, I've never asked anyone to rate this.

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