rwby v2 ep4 painting the town...
By TrippyB
evil crimnal roman torchwick is back to do more bad thinig and infact he has big secret wepon when working with white fang! they gonna go crazy to the town so team RWBY gotta stop roman and white fang or they gonna kill citzens!
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm + sfx here:
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
and also mission file for rwby vol 2 which has mission pass bgm + more:
need modloader. maybe possibel i updateing it later, but i tell u. and if theirs new stuff go download again!
orginal upload 9/28/2024
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm + sfx here:
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
and also mission file for rwby vol 2 which has mission pass bgm + more:
need modloader. maybe possibel i updateing it later, but i tell u. and if theirs new stuff go download again!
orginal upload 9/28/2024
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Sep 28 '24
- Views
- 147
- Downloads
- 143
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 88
- Actors
- 97
- Cars
- 6
- Pickups
- 11
- Objects
- 18
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Added by Katana bs on Oct 17 2024, 15:35
I Can't explode the tank with sachel charger:(
Added by TrippyB on Oct 19 2024, 22:48
you must be useing all the satchel bomb on the tank to explode it
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