DYOM » Missions » Purple Tahoma: Revenge of the Grove

Purple Tahoma: Revenge of the Grove

By efren_sa

About the mission

CJ and Sweet will go to the Sevilla for take their 'package'. Which is a purple tahoma, they'll do just like how ballas did it with a green sabre.

After taking tahoma and drive to the Jefferson with homies. Ballas won't let them go and follow them behind, CJ will try to escape both Ballas and Police.


Purple Tahoma is a simple mission i created for test DYOM for my bigger project in SA. It's just reverse of the ballas' Green Sabre. I really liked DYOM but it's bit "incomplete" it misses important features like spawning peds directly in the car. (this is why the cutscene after the drive-by is that long, you wait the balla enter the car and drive.) only can change peds animation after objectives (there is 2 sweet at start of the mission, one in the cutscene and other one that follows you. It actually doesn't problem for short missions, but in larger project this means "unnecessary" peds.)

Again, DYOM is a amazing project but It's bit incomplete. I saw addons for DYOM which i can use for my bigger project in SA. I'm also aware of new 8.3 Alpha. I hope it gets better for creators.

Trailer is in proposal, i have a youtube channel with same nickname. By the way the character voices in video doesn't exist in the mission.


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Mar 17 '25


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PLAYPurple Tahoma: Custom DYOM Missionefren_saMar 17 2025, 18:11
"Purple Tahoma: Custom DYOM Mission"
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