How To Create Flying Actor
By XxXOverPoliteXxX
Actor at up in the bus or packer or something !!!
1. create vincle
2. place object on the up of vincle ( door , guard rail , something )
3. place actor at the up of object
4. and the last delete object
5. done !!
thanks for looking , may help you ....... sorry for my bad english because i'm indonesian :D :D :D
Actor at up in the bus or packer or something !!!
1. create vincle
2. place object on the up of vincle ( door , guard rail , something )
3. place actor at the up of object
4. and the last delete object
5. done !!
thanks for looking , may help you ....... sorry for my bad english because i'm indonesian :D :D :D
- Startdate
- Oct 22 '13
- Last Update
- Oct 22 '13
- Views
- 2668