DYOM » Text Tutorials » How to make colored text (WITHOUT NOTEPAD ++ OR ANYTHING)

How to make colored text (WITHOUT NOTEPAD ++ OR ANYTHING)

By Gguywesker101

step 1:first make a text ingame (IT Can be the mission name,intro text,cutscene text or anything else)

step2:my text is eat the red apple now,we will make the Red apple in red,so its: eat theRed Apple now,we do this by typing ,eat the +r+Red apple +w+ now

the any text after the +.+ will be colored,if you want to make it in many colores just add the codes before the next word,so its red apple in red(+r+), and then we add white color for the rest of the text (+w+).

the codes for the colors are,+b+ for blue,+r+ for red,+w+ for white,+y+ for yelow,+g+ for green.

i hope this helped,just pay atention to every step,and youl make fine e missions in no time,check my proffile for a schedule of mission/storyline upload.



Oct 01 '12
Last Update
Nov 08 '12


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