DYOM » Text Tutorials » How Make a Table of Missions

How Make a Table of Missions

By Mafia Games

Tutorial made by: Mafia Games

Hello peoples, today I go teach to you, how make a table of missions in your profile

I go teach how make this table:

*Write here the name of Mission1*Write here the situation*Write here the kind of mission
*Write here the name of Mission2*Write here the situation*Write here the kind of mission

Please follow these steps:

1 • Go to Member Toolbox > Edit your profile.
2 • Now, in the description of your profile, you need put BBcodes.


Now, put theses BBcodes in your profile description!

[ table ][ tr ][ th ]Serie[ /th ][ th ]Situation[ /th ][ th ]Kind[ /th ][ /tr ]
[ tr ][ td ]*Write here the name of Mission1[ /td ][ td ]*Write here the situation[ /td ][ td ]*Write here the kind of mission[ /td ][ /tr ]
[ tr ][ td ]*Write here the name of Mission2[ /td ][ td ]*Write here the situation[ /td ][ td ]*Write here the kind of mission[ /td ][ /tr ]
[ /table ]

EXTRA: If you want add more one mission, put theses BBcodes, before [ /table ]:

[ tr ][ td ]*Write here the name of Mission[ /td ][ td ]*Write here the Situation[ /td ][ td ]*Write here the kind of mission[ /td ][ /tr ]

Note: I pressed space to make this tutorial, you can't press space, if you press Space, this table dont work.

Have wrong words? Please comment at my profile, I am from Brazil.

Ok, this is the end of the tutorial, You like this tutorial? Please Rate, Bye!


Nov 27 '15
Last Update
Sep 23 '16


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