The Solution Of Ball Actor Bug!
By Huzaifa

Many of you guys thinking that. What the hell is ball actor! The image you're watching on the top of your screen is an annoying bug in DYOM.
"And it happens on overloading of many actors at a time"
FOR EXAMPLE: If you create a mission. And you set objective Kill 10 Gang members. After you killed them. You create another objective Kill remaining enemies. And then you realize that, the actor you create, become (sphere) ball actors. Now let's see how can we solve this bullshit!
The solution is very simple fellas. When we create an objective in which we've to kill ten actors. After that we create another objective. And "We forget to Hide the previous objective actors"
This is one of the main reasons, that many of Dyom Designer's can't create 85+ Objective mission. Because they're thinking about this ball actor bug. But if they hide useless actors. I'm guarnteed you can create 100 Objective mission. :)
- Hope everyone understand my tutorial. If you've any problem related with Dyom. Without any hesitation just comment on my profile. :)
Have a nice day!
Regards From: Huzaifa Khan.
- Startdate
- Jun 05 '16
- Last Update
- Jun 05 '16
- Views
- 3268