DYOM » Text Tutorials » How save/load/abort you progress on StoryLine

How save/load/abort you progress on StoryLine

By Studios Games

Tutorial Of Studios Games(Snowflakes)

Hello people. New tutorial, about Storylines. "How save my progress", do not know? Let's go.

How save/load/abort your progress on StoryLine

1° Press Y(or)N
2° There will be 3 options: First, save your progress. Two, load your progress. Three, abort you Storyline
3° Choose what you want, more, one exemple: "I will save my progress on option "Save your progress" and later exit of game with "Abort you progress", later when you want to load where I stop, use "Load your progress"

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Nov 12 '16
Last Update
Apr 09 '18


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