DYOM » Text Tutorials » Underwater Missions

Underwater Missions

By Yasir RFL

Hey guys,
welcome to my 3rd tutorial!
I will tell you how to make missions,Underwater

Let us begin

So,It is so simple that you will say after reading "How Easy!"

First of all open DYOM in GTA San Andreas then push ESC and open map,and

Follow these:

1.Put a target pointer on a water surface (in the map)

2.Resume the game and press Y

3.Choose 'Teleport to marker' option.

4.Ta Daaa! You are in underwater!

Hope you get it ,if you have any confusion "Underwater!?!?" then you can play my this mission .

Please ,rate it if you like. ^^

Thanks for reading!


Jan 01 '18
Last Update
Jan 01 '18


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