DYOM » Text Tutorials » Profile Customization: Space

Profile Customization: Space

By Studios Games

Simple example of tutorial

Hello, today I'm going to teach you something that is more to customize your profile... Sometimes you want a word to be in the middle of the profile, other times you want to use paragraphs, unfortunately when you use Normal Space, you do not get the result expected. Today I'll show you a way to do that.

1 - Copy this "ㅤ" (without quotation marks obviously)
Ready. This is your space if you do not have any caracters behind the 1 letter you are writing. The tutorial can serve everyone (correct if wrong) the sites/forums etc etc

Dutchy3010 And PatrickWCreator MOD DYOM
Studios GamesCreator tutorial
AnDReJ98Permission tutorial

Very simple. Ah, before we get out of here, I have 2 things to talk about. 1 - Do not use this for unnecessary use. 2 - If you want a complete tutorial with several other profile tips: [url=http://dyom.gtagames.nl/showtut/43]click here


Apr 13 '18
Last Update
Apr 14 '18


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