DYOM » Text Tutorials » BBcodes for formatting

BBcodes for formatting

By guribirring

BBcodes are used to make your description better
BBcodes with example:-
{text}=Makes {text} bold

[code i]text= Makes {text} italic

[ code u]text=Underlines {text}

[code s]text=Create a line-through/strike through on {text}

[code size=number]text= Changes the font-size of {text}

[code color=colour which you want to use ]text=Changes the colour of {text}

[code url]url of a page or site[/url]=Makes a link to {url}

[code img]url of image[/img]= Shows the image indicated by {url}

thanx to read plz rate the tutorial

type in brect i,b,s,size=22,color=red,url,img, these are codes type in [code] and exit with [/code]

if not understand see my video tutorial=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hWQd4y5WT1E


Apr 26 '13
Last Update
Apr 28 '13


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