DYOM IX Animations List (v5.5)
By Robert17

Are you tired of wasting your time looking through hundreds of animations in game? If so, then you've come to the right place!
DYOM IX is an unofficial (improved) version of DYOM 8.1 which has a lot of features, skins, objects, weathers, pickups and animations.
If you haven't given it a chance yet, go check it out: https://gtaforums.com/topic/978250-dyom-ix-modification-for-dyom/
There are hundreds of animations in DYOM IX, which is good but, it will be a pain to look through all these animations for the actor/player every single time which is time consuming for any designer. And that's the reason why I made this list. I described each animation the best I could, so hopefully you'll find it helpful!
Old 8.1 Animatins List
0 - Hold weapon (like an M4)
1 - (Default) Talk
2 - Arm raise (Ped reaction when you horn)
3 - Hands on table, look around
4 - Crouch (without routeponts)
5 - (Default) Sit
6 - Use ID card
7 - Ninja Style
8 - Arm raise for Taxi
9 - Masturbate
10 - Elbow raise
11 - (Default) Wave
12 - Wash your hands, prepare, use something
13 - Dance 1
14 - Dance 2
15 - Grab something
16 - "Come here" animation
17 - Talk (Complain)
18 - Cheering
19 - Cheering 2
20 - Cheering 3 (Shout)
21 - Slap in the ass
22 - Aim with a gun
23 - Slap in the ass (Sweet's Girl version)
24 - Hands in the air
25 - Look around
26 - Look up
27 - Shouting into sky/Talk to Jesus Christ
28 - Pointing
29 - Arm in the air ("Praise God")
30 - Arm in the air 2
31 - Shout
32 - Shout and wave
33 - Yell
34 - Knock on the wall/door
35 - Drink
36 - Fist fight (Punch the bag)
37, 38 - Talk
39, 40 - Homie hug
41-46 - Dance
47-49 - Sit on the ground
50 - Killing someone on the ground 1
51 - Detonate the dynamite
52 - Killing someone on the ground 2
53 - Killing someone on the ground 3
54 - Fist fight position 1
55 - Killing someone on the ground 4
56 - Fist fight position 2
57-58 - Drunk
59 - Killing someone on the ground 5
60 - Light punch
61-68 - Talk
69 - Put something on the shelf
70-74 - Sexy dance
75-77 - "Come here" animation
78 - Sleep while trembling
79 - Lay on the ground concious
80 - Lay on the ground on your back
81-82 - Look behind the wall
83-85 - SWAT raid (Reuniting the Families)
86 - Slap with your hand (while floating in air???)
87-90 - Arms crossed
91-92 - Cheering (Move your hands around)
93 - Rap
94 - Tired mood
95-96 - Chuckle
97 - Move your hands around (Gymnastic exercise)
98 - Chuckle
99 - Arms crossed (gangsta style)
100 - Killing someone on the ground (chainsaw)
101 - Sleep (on the ground)
102 - Sleep (on bed)
103 - Approval
104 - Denial
105 - Cry
106 - Stay on the side of the wall
107 - "Come here" animation
108 - Hand signals to make a driver go left
109 - "Stop right there" animation
110 - Kicking the door down
111 - Sit on the ground
112 - Sit while talking
113 - Write
114 - Arms crossed (Waiting)
115 - Give something (Drug dealing)
116 - Fix/place something on the ground
117 - Facepalm
118 - Point with the camera
119 - Hold the camera
120 - Jump (get away from incoming vehicle)
121 - Get kicked down
122-127 - Face expressions
128-129 - Sitting animations
DYOM IX Animations List
130-135 - Hot Coffee
136 - Hang on something (I genuinely don't know what is this)
137 - Crawl and get up from the ground
138-141 - Hot Coffee
142 - Sit and check the clock
143-147 - Hot Coffee
148 - Reload (9mm)
149 - Cheer while playing a video game
150 - Grab a drink (Bartender animation)
151 - Talk
152-157 - Bartender animations
158 - Drink (Man)
159 - Drink (Woman)
160-164 - Denise's animations during Burning Desire
165 - Stay with your back on the wall and talk
166 - Kiss (Girlfriend)
167 - Kiss (Carl)
168 - Idle animation
169 - Weird fight position
170-176 - ??? (Animations that are not working)
177-178 - Open the door
179 - Cross your hands while looking around
180 - Hands on table while looking around
181-182 - Look threatening with a melee weapon
183 - Pass out
184 - Lay on the ground with the back on the wall (while being hurt)
185 - Animation where CJ gets out of crack palace
186 - Dance
187-191 - Bodyguard animations
192 - Jump when an object is falling over
193 - Hang on something
194 - Roll around
195 - Eat from a hotdog vendor
196 - Stay with your back on the wall, looking stylish
197 - Cross your arms and talk
198 - Mourn someone's death with hands crossed
199 - Fail to hang onto something
200 - Talk with 2 people
201 - Pass out because of tear gas
202-203 - Get up from the ground
204-205 - Hot Coffee (Oral sex)
206 - Get on the bed
207 - Get out of the bed
208 - Unique sit
209 - Unique sit (idle)
210 - Get up from the chair
211 - Hot Coffee (oral sex)
212 - Sit and drink
213 - Hot Coffee (oral sex)
214-216 - Check the documents
217 - Lady sitting
218-221 - Kiss animations
222 - Hang on the edge of the car/plane
223 - Eat something from your pocket
224 - Get shot/hit in the chest and fall on the ground
225 - Heal/revive someone
226 - Sit and talk
227 - Get punched in the face and fall on the ground
228 - Fall
229 - Fall (with parachute)
230 - Hands in the air (really short animation)
231-232 - Get punched in the face
233 - Take cover
234 - Death
235 - Get shot/hit in the chest and fall on the ground (exact same animation as 224)
236 - Talk (say hi)
237 - Hit the ground
238 - Sit on a chair
239 - Get up from the chair
240-242 - Pee
243-244 - Idle drunk
245-246 - Lady laying down on the beach
247-249 - Lose/win your bet at horse racing
250-255 - Talk (Argue)
256-258 - Eat from fast food places
259 - Vomit
260 - Sit (the legs are clipping under the ground so it sucks)
261 - Sit at a table with your meal
262 - Sit at a table
263 - Bring the order to a customer (Fast food places)
264-265 - "Come closer for the camera!"
266-271 - Get punched
272 - Roll over and die (animation when being ran over)
273 - Jump down the hole
274 - CJ finding Sweet hurt (Green Sabre)
275 - Roll over (animation when being hit by a car)
276 - Cough when getting exposed to fire extinguisher/spray can
277 - Walk while being drunk
278-280 - Talk (to the person fixing the car)
281 - Light a cigarette
282-289 - Dance
290 - Eat
291 - Finish eating
292 - Drink (while holding a drink)
293 - Arm signs meaning dissagreement
294 - Wave
295 - T-Bone's death animation
296 - Run and get pushed into the water
297 - Jump over an object and take cover
298 - Sweet being hurt (Green Sabre)
299 - Drag a big door
300 - Man laying down on the beach
301 - Impatiently waiting with the hands on the table
302 - Place something on the ground
303 - Goalkeeper
304 - Raise your hands in the air like you're the boss
305 - Drag an object
306-308 - Camera animations
309 - Fix the car
310 - Start the race
311-314 - Look through some files in the closet (like a cop in a police department)
315 - Cross your arms while checking the clock
316-317 - Lay down like a hooker (Cleaning the Hood)
318-320 - Animations where CJ escapes from the cops by jumping into the water (Dam and Blast)
321 - Jump off a building into the water
322 - Hang on something
323 - Fast food cashier idle animation when CJ is ordering
324-327 - Ways gang members introduce to eachother
328 - Sit an look at the clock for one second
329 - Stay with your back on the wall and talk while smoking
330 - Look up
331 - Put your hand on the ground
332 - Stay with your shoulder on the wall and talk while smoking
333 - Laugh
334 - Wait and look around (while tapping the hand on foot)
335 - Wait while drinking
336 - Sit and look on your left
337 - Exhaustion from running
338 - Smoke a cigarette
339 - Get hit by a melee weapon
340 - Animation where Cesar punches the truck driver (Highjack)
341 - Hold with your hands on something while looking down
342 - Get into the driver seat by climbing on the top of the car
343 - Fast food cashier's reaction when CJ vomits
344 - Spin your head crazy
345-346 - Bench press
347 - Looking around to find something
348 - Bench press
349 - Pull up the camera
350 - Lose balance and almost fall down
351 - Climb (back up)
352 - Reload (in an ambiguous way?)
353 - Swim
354 - Holding the fist up
355 - Same as animation 86
356 - Handing over the money from the back
357 - Falling down from the vent (Reuniting the Families)
358-362 - Stripper dance
363-364 - Throw money to stripper
365 - Talk and look around (while tapping the hand on foot)
366 - Friendly AI aiming the handgun.
367 - Wear mask
368-371 - Hot Coffee (probably)
372-373 - Clean the table
374-376 - Masturbate
377-379 - Parachute animations
380-381 - See something shocking (and scream for help?)
382 - Back up while riding BMX
383 - Ryder jumping off
384 - Picking up (a briefcase?)
385 - Snakehead throwing the katana
386-387 - Animations during the ending cutscene of "Reuniting The Familes"
388-389 - Give a gift to a girlfriend
390-391 - Big Smoke and CJ talking to eachother before entering the building (Just Business)
392-394 - Ped animations at 69 Store
395 - Get hit while sitting to eat
396 - Sit at the Barber Shop
397 - Throw a grenade/molotov
398 - Gang sign (telling to fuck off?)
399-400 - Gang member pushing and destroying the car
401-403 - Ped sitting and eating
404-412 - Fighting style moves
413 - Random dance
414-420 - Gamble game animations
421 - Walking with rollerskates
422-423 - Spraying over the wall
- Startdate
- Jan 14 '22
- Last Update
- Jul 02 '22
- Views
- 7593