DYOM » Text Tutorials » DYOM 7.0.2 Complete Guide And Tutorials

DYOM 7.0.2 Complete Guide And Tutorials

By King

There are four main concepts, which will first be briefly discussed, so it you can understand the rest of the features better.

1. Objectives: The most important things in the missions you create with DYOM are the objectives. If you have achieved all the objectives of a mission, the mission is passed. For your missions, you can set a number of objectives, which the player of the mission must achieve in sequence. For each objective you can choose one of the four available kinds: A checkpoint that must be reached, a actor that must be killed, a car that must be entered or a pickup that must be picked up.
2. Special Objectives: this isn't something the player has to do, but this is used to change the settings of the mission or make something between the objectives. So, for example, there is a change in the weather, a change in wanted level, a change in time limit or a cutscene.
3. Select/Hide/Spawn: Besides the objectives you can also add other items: actors (either enemy, friend or neutral), cars, pickups and objects. Items don't have to be available during the whole mission. You can design them to appear after a certain objective has been achieved and hide them after a certain objective has been achieved. In designmode one of the objectives is "selected" which is indicated by a yellow marker, instead of the normal white marker over an objective. By default, the last added objective is selected, but you can select another one from the objective menu. When you add an objective, they will be inserted behind the currently selected objective. When you add items to the game, they will appear during the mission after the currently selected objective has been achieved. Afterwards, you can use the "SPAWN" and "HIDE" menu-options to determine when the item spawns and disappears. These options change them to the time when the currently selected objective is achieved.
4. Save and Distribute: When you are making a mission, it is wise to save it from time to time. You can save when you select the option "Save Mission" in the "Mission Menu". You can save up to 8 missions at a time. These missions are saved in "San Andreas User Files", with the name dyomx.dat. The x can be a number between 1 and 8, depends on which slot you used to save the mission. This is comparable to the savegames from the normal GTA San Andreas. Once you are finished, you can distribute the mission by uploading the dyomx.dat file to the DYOM website (http://dyom.gtagames.nl). If you want to play other people's mission, you have to download the mission (also a dyomx.dat file!) and put it in "San Andreas User Files". Then start DYOM, and select Mission Menu > Load Mission. If you just use the "save mission" function, and distribute that file (so dyom1.dat until dyom8.dat), everyone can change your mission. If you want to prevent that, you can select "publish mission" in the "Mission Menu". Then you will find a dyom0.dat in San Andreas User Files. When you distribute this file, other people aren't able to change the mission.

When you first press the "Y" key this menu will show up:

  • Mission Menu
  • Storyline Menu
  • Settings
  • Player
  • Objectives
  • Actors
  • Cars
  • Pickups
  • Objects
  • Tools

Now, lets get into explaining them.

Mission Menu
# Play Mission
# Save Mission
# Load Mission
# Publish Mission (read-only version of the mission)
# New Mission (the only way to be able to put your own name as author into the mission)
# Show Audio Code (that will Show You Audio folder of for adding Sound in your mission)


Play Mission
Plays the currently loaded mission from the beginning, this function is only available on non-read only missions.
Save Mission
Saves the currently loaded mission. The user must select the appropriate slot, and then DYOM will save it into the GTA San Andreas User Files folder in the My Documents folder. The mission will be saved with the name "DYOMx", here X represents the slot number it is saved in. For example, If I saved it in Slot 5, then it would be called "DYOM5".

Load Mission
Loads a mission. The user must select the appropriate slot where the mission is saved. This works in the same way as saving missions. If the mission is called "DYOM5" then it would be in Slot 5.

Publish Mission
This will save the currently loaded mission in the GTA San Andreas User Files folder with the name "DYOM0". This mission is a read only mission, which means that it cannot be edited by anyone. Change the name of the mission by removing the 0 from the end and replacing it with a number (1 through to 8) with the number representing the mission Slot it will be put in.

Show Mission AudioCode
that will Show You Audio code folder of for adding Sound in your mission .

Story Line Menu
Test Storyline
# Test StoryLine - Start playing the storyline.
# Clear StoryLine - Clear MissionTriggers, intro, outro and autorun setting. (the existing missionfile remain in DSL)
# Mission Menu
o Save Mission to DSL - Store the current mission as a named missionfile in the DSL directory, so it can be used in a missiontrigger.
o Save Mission as Intro - Store the current mission as the Intro.
o Save Mission as Outro - Store the current mission as the Outro.
o Load Mission from DSL - Load a named missionfile from the DSL folder in the editor, so you can edit it (or play it)
o Load Mission from Intro - Load the Intro mission into the editor, so you can edit it (or play it)
o Load Mission from Outro - Load the Outro mission into the editor, so you can edit it (or play it)
# Autorun Toggle - toggle the "autorun" status of the storyline.
# Add MissionTrigger - Create a new missiontrigger at the current location.
# Edit MissionTrigger - Edit the Nearest missiontrigger.
# Remove MissionTrigger - Remove the nearest missiontrigger.

# Mission Name ( You can Use this If you Want to Change Your Mission Name )
# Intro Text ( Intro Text is will give three Screen There you use to say your common things in your mission )
# Time of Day ( You Can Select time of day as you Want )
# Weather ( You Can Change Weather of day as you Want )
# Minimum Wanted Level ( In this You can Select Minimum Wanted Level Of Your Mission )
# Maximum Wanted Level ( In this You can Select Maximum Wanted Level Of Your Mission )
# Riot Mode ( You can Activate Riot mode By using "On" button in your mission )


Mission Name
Here you can set/change the name of your mission that will appear when it loads up.
Intro Text
This is the text that will appear at the top left of the screen in a black box when the mission starts. You can have a maximum of 3 screens/boxes of text per mission.

Time Limit
If the mission is a timed mission, adjust the time the player has to complete the mission here.

Timed Mission
Select weather the mission is a timed mission or not. The time can be adjusted with the "Time Limit" button above.

Time of Day
You can use this option to set the time that your mission will occur. Press the "Y" and "N" keys to add or remove one hour from the time of day. For example, 9:00 is morning and 22:00 will be at night time. It's pretty easy to use. The default Time of Day is 9:00.
Select the weather conditions that your mission takes place in. Use "Y" and "N" to cycle through weather options.
Minimum Wanted Level
The minimum wanted level that the player can have during the mission, select from 0 Stars to 6 Stars.
Maximum Wanted Level
Select the maximum wanted level that the player can obtain during the mission. Selecting "0 Stars" means the player cannot get a wanted level in the mission.
Riot Mode
Toggle Riot Mode On/Off. If Riot Mode is on then citizens will loot the streets, bash the player, set fire to cars, ect.

# Position
# Model
# Weapon
# Number of Bullets
# Health

# Add Objective (Actor, Car, Pickup and checkpoint have the same features as the separate ones)

* Actor
* Car
* Pickup
* Checkpoint
* Special Player Objective : - Teleport - Teleport to Car -
* Special Env.Objectives : -
# Select Objective
# Edit Objective
# Delete Objective
# Put After Selected

Add Objective
You can use this button to add objectives to your mission. When you select it, another sub-menu will show up:

  • Add Car
    Used to add a vehicle that must be entered to be completed in your mission. You can browse and select the desired vehicle using the "Y" and "N" buttons. Once it is selected, you can change it's primary and secondary colours ("Y" and "N") and then move it into the right position. You can then adjust it's health (100; it will be set on fire and immidiatly blow up. 250; It is very weak and will be set on fire easily. 500: It will have half a it's normal health. 1000 It will have it's normal health. 2500; it will have 2.5 times more health then normal.), weather or not is is Bullet-Proof, Explosion-Proof or Damage-Proof (does not take any body damage, dented hood, doors ect.), and weather or not it is locked.

  • Add Actor
    This lets you add an actor (NPC, or non player character) as an objective. For actor objectives, you must kill the actor to complete it. Once you have selected the actor model, it's weapons and what animations it preforms (see here for a list of animations) (all with the "Y" and "N" keys). You will be brought to another menu. Here you can select the health for your actor (100 (normal), 250, 500, 1000, 2500), it's behaviour (Normal, Hold Position, Attack Direct or Hold and Direct), it's weapon accuracy (10 (poor) 25 (decent) 50 (good) 75 (very good) 100 (perfect) ), weather or not it can be killed by a headshot (off means it cannot be killed by a headshot, on means it can), and finally the "Kill All Enemies" button. If you put this to "On" then you will have to kill every enemy actor on in the mission that is on the field at the time of that objective. Use that if you have multiple enemies that you want to kill as one objective.

  • Add Pickup
    This will add a pickup as an objective. Pickups need to be, obviously, picked up to count as completed. Once you select the pickup menu you can select what type of pickup you want to add (Weapon, Health, Armor, Bribe, Other). If you select "Weapon" then you can use the "Y" and "N" keys to select what type of weapon you want, then it will be placed on the map. Selecting "Health" or "Armor" will place health or armor as an objective. Selecting "Bribe" will add a poilce bribe as an objective, and selecting "Other" will bring up a special set of items (browse with the "Y" and "N" keys) that can be placed as objectives.

  • Add Checkpoint
    This allows you to add a checkpoint as an objective. Checkpoints need to be passed through to count as completed. First you need to select the checkpoint type using the "Y" and "N" keys. After that, move the checkpoint around using the WASD keys or the cusor keys. You can then change the height of the objective by holding down the "Jump Key" and using the cusor keys. And you can change the size of the checkpoint by holding down the "Left Mouse Button" and using the cusor keys. Once you are done, the checkpoint will be placed on the map.

  • Add Special Player Objectives
    This allows you to add special types of objectives that effect the player.

    • Teleport
      This will teleport the player to the selected place on the map so that they can continue playing on from that point. They are completed immidiatly. You can choose the teleports model, weapons and health.

    • Teleport to car
      This acts the same as the teleport objective except that it teleports the player into a car. The player must use the car to go to the next objective. You can browse and select the desired vehicle using the "Y" and "N" buttons. Once it is selected, you can change it's primary and secondary colours ("Y" and "N") and then move it into the right position. You can then adjust it's health (100; it will be set on fire and immidiatly blow up. 250; It is very weak and will be set on fire easily. 500: It will have half a it's normal health. 1000 It will have it's normal health. 2500; it will have 1.5 times more health then normal.), weather or not is is Bullet-Proof, Explosion-Proof or Damage-Proof (does not take any body damage, dented hood, doors ect.).

    • Set Wanted Level
      This will change the player current wanted level, you can select from 0 to 6 stars.

    • Remove Weapons (NEW!)
      This objective removes all weapons from the player and leaves them just with their fists.

    • Talk on Phone (NEW!)
      When this objectives is used, the player character will take out a phone and start talking. These objectives act much like "Timeout" objectives. Set the amount of time the sentence will last and add the text. The first "Talk on Phone" objective will take out the players phone. The "Talk on Phone" objectives between the start and finish "Talk on Phone" objectives will have the player talking on the phone. The last "Talk on Phone" objective has the player putting away the phone.

  • Add Special Enviroment Objectives
    These objectives effect what goes on around the player, including time limits ect.

    • Cutscene
      This will allow you to add cutscens to your mission. A cutscene objective is automatically completed once it is finished. Use the cusor keys rotate the camera, hold down "Jump KEy" and use the cusor keys to change the height of the cutscene, hold down the "Left Mouse Button" to and use the cusor keys to move the camera around. Once you are done with then, you will then have to adjust the time (in seconds) thats the cutscene stays on screen for (using "Y" and "N"). And then after that you have to type out the text that accompanies the cutscene. Once all that is done, the cutscene is placed on the map.

    • Countdown
      The countdown objective is a countdown timer, (eg, at the start of a race) and is completed after the onscreen timer counts down. The player cannot move during the countdown. You can select how long the countdown will go for (in seconds).

    • Timeout
      The Timeout objective acts pretty much the same as the Countdown objective. The difference it the player can move during it and select weather the player can see the timer or not.

    • Weather Change
      With this objective you can change the current game weather by using the "Y" and "N" keys.

    • Set Time
      With this you can change the game time of day in the game by using the "Y" and "N" keys.

    • Ped/Car Behaviour
      With this you can change weather or not cars/peds will appear on the streets. "Normal Ped/Cars" will make peds and cars spawn. "Riot Mode" will convert the location into Riot mode (rioting/looting peds). "No Cars" will make no cars spawn. "No Peds" will make no peds spawn and "No Peds/Cars" will make neither spawn.

    • Adjust Time Limit
      If the game is a timed game, you can add or remove time from the timer.

    • Start Timed Section
      If the game is a timed game, use this option to start the timer from the current objective.

Edit Objective
This allows you to edit the CLOSEST objective. You can change it's settings as per above.

Delete Objective
This will delete the CLOSEST objective from the mission.

Select Objective
This will select the closest objective. Any new objectives the player adds will be placed after the selected one.

Put After Selected
This will make the CLOSEST objective occur AFTER the selected one. EG, if I have objective 5 selected and make Objective 8 get put after it, then objective 8 will change to objective 6, as it is after 5.

# Add
* Position
* Model
* Weapons
* Animation: - Normal Animations - Enter, Sit and Leave nearest car (with this option you have all kind of possibilities for a driving car. You can make a route, let the actor follow you (friendly), let the actor attack you and much more!) - Walk and Run
* Health
* Gang (choose for neutral (only attacks when the player attacks first), enemy (attacks player) or friend (helps player))
* Accuracy
* Headshot

# Spawn
# Hide
# Edit
# Delete


Add Actor
This allows you to add an actor into the mission. You must first first select the actor model using the "Y" and "N" key. After thet you have to select what weapons the actor will use and it's animation (see here for a list of animations). You will then be bought to another menu, here you can select the health for your actor (100 (normal), 250, 500, 1000, 2500). You will then have to select the alliance of the actor. If it is an ally then it is on your side. If it is an enemy then it is against you. If you select "Enemy1" and ''Enemy2'' then you will have to select it's behaviour (Normal, Hold Position, Attack Direct, Hold and Direct). If you select it as an ally then you also have to set behaviour; (Normal, Hold Position, Follow Player, Must Survive, Hold Position and Must Survive, Follow Player and Must Survive). If an actor that "Must Survive" is killed the mission will fail.You then must select it's weapon accuracy (10 (poor) 25 (decent) 50 (good) 75 (very good) 100 (perfect) ), weather or not it can be killed by a headshot (off means it cannot be killed by a headshot, on means it can). The actor will then be spawned after the currently selected objective. you can use Health Bar option for Enemy or Friend Just Use "on'' Or ''Off'' Button
Spawn Actor
This option will make the closest actor spawn AFTER the selected objective during the mission.

Hide Actor
This option will hide the closest actor after the selected objective, causing it to be removed from the game world.

Edit Actor
This allows you to edit the closest actor and changes it's health, weapons, accuracy, animations ect.

Delete Actor
This will delete the closest actor.

# Position
# Add

* Model
* Primary Colour
* Secondary Colour
* Health
* Must Survive (mission is failed when car is destroyed)
* Bullet/Explosion/Damage proof
* Locked
* Tires invulnerable

# Spawn
# Hide
# Edit
# Delete

Add Car
This function is used to add vehicles to the mission. You can browse and select the desired vehicle using the "Y" and "N" buttons. Once it is selected, you can change it's primary and secondary colours ("Y" and "N") and then move it into the right position. You can then adjust it's health (100; it will be set on fire and immidiatly blow up. 250; It is very weak and will be set on fire easily. 500: It will have half a it's normal health. 1000 It will have it's normal health. 2500; it will have 2.5 times more health then normal.), weather or not is is Bullet-Proof, Explosion-Proof or Damage-Proof (does not take any body damage, dented hood, doors ect.), and weather or not it is locked.
Spawn Car
This option will make the closest car spawn AFTER the selected objective during the mission.

Hide Car
This option will hide the closest car after the selected objective, causing it to be removed from the game world.

Edit Car
This allows you to edit the closest car and changes it's health, proofing ect.

Delete Car
This will delete the closest car.

# Position
# Add

* Weapon
* Health
* Armor
* Bribe
* Other (money, book, suitcase, etc)
* Spawn Once
* Spawn multiple times

# Spawn
# Hide
# Edit
# Delete

Add Pickup
This allows you to add a pickup into the mission. Once you select the pickup menu you can select what type of pickup you want to add (Weapon, Health, Armor, Bribe, Other). If you select "Weapon" then you can use the "Y" and "N" keys to select what type of weapon you want, then it will be placed on the map. Selecting "Health" or "Armor" will place health or armor on the map. Selecting "Bribe" will add a poilce bribe on the map, and selecting "Other" will bring up a special set of items (browse with the "Y" and "N" keys) that can be placed. Once you have selected the pickup you can set weather it will spawn only once or spawn continually.
Spawn Pickup
This option will make the closest pickup spawn AFTER the selected objective during the mission.

Hide Pickup
This option will hide the closest pickup after the selected objective, causing it to be removed from the game world.

Edit Pickup
This allows you to edit the closest pickup and changes it's location.

Delete Pickup
This will delete the closest pickup.

# Position (rotate, tilt, coords)
# Add
# Spawn
# Hide
# Edit
# Delete

The Objects menu allows you to place static objects on the map. Click here for a complete list of objects.

Add Object
This will allow you to select and object to place from a LOOOONNNNGGGG list. Once you have found your desired object by browsing ("Y" and "N" keys) you can adjust it's location with the cusor keys, it's height by holding down the "Jump Key" and using the Cusor Keys, and its pitch and rotation by holding down the "Left Mouse Button" and using the cusor keys.
Spawn Object
This option will make the closest object spawn AFTER the selected objective during the mission.

Hide Object
This option will hide the closest object after the selected objective, causing it to be removed from the game world.

Edit Pickup
This allows you to edit the closest object and changes it's location, height ect.

Destroy Object
This will delete the closest object.

# Teleport to Marker
# Teleport to Objective
# Jetpack
# Spawn Test Vehicle
# Browse Interiors
# Play From Selected

Teleport to Marker
By using this you will immidiatly teleport to the map marker (which you can set in the "Map" section of the pause screen). This saves you from having to travel there yourself.
Teleport to Objective
This allows you to browse through and teleport to a desired objective.

Gives you a jetpack, although you can just use the "rocketman" cheat.

Spawn Test Vehicle
This allows you to spawn a test vehicle to use.

Browse Interiors
This allows you to browse the hidden interiors universe. Use "Y" and "N" to browse and use "A" and "D" for faster browsing. For a list of interiors see here.

Play form Selected
This will allow you to test the mission from the selected objective. So you don't have to play through the whole thing to get to the part you need to check out.
Thats it! I hope this helps people! If you have any questions or notice any mistakes please Post message me!





May 09 '13
Last Update
May 09 '13


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