how To Make An Actor Shoot To Another Actor Without The pla
By justgames114
-yer(1. make Two Actors
2.make the shooter friend>hold position
3.make the be-Shotten enemy 1 or 2>hold and direct make sure it does a anim before being shooten
after that make a cutscene between both actors wait for 1 sec then the shooter will shoot the be shooten
2.make the shooter friend>hold position
3.make the be-Shotten enemy 1 or 2>hold and direct make sure it does a anim before being shooten
after that make a cutscene between both actors wait for 1 sec then the shooter will shoot the be shooten
- Startdate
- May 21 '13
- Last Update
- Jun 11 '13
- Views
- 1980