DYOM » Text Tutorials » How to create multiple explosions in a cutscene

How to create multiple explosions in a cutscene

By Crowe

how to create multiple explosions in a cutscene?
A lot of DYOM designers tried once or twice to make more explosions in only one cutscene but they see just the last one.
This tutorial will teach you how to see all explosion, is short how to have this effect:
Follow these steps:
1- create an explosion
2- create a cutscene and set timer to 0 seconds
3- add another expolosion
4- create a cutscene in the same place of the first one and set timer to 0 seconds
5- add another expolosion
6- create a cutscene in the same place of the first one and set timer to 0 seconds
7- add another expolosion
8- create a cutscene in the same place of the first one and set timer to 0 seconds

Save the mission and run it. It will work.


Sep 17 '12
Last Update
Sep 17 '12


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