DYOM » Text Tutorials » how to make a good preparation for your first mission

how to make a good preparation for your first mission

By xX_/Leopard\_Xx

1. you must definite the actor like who the hero or who the enemy.
2. definite the weather and set time. morning time or evening, is up to you :)
3. if you make a some place with object, make object first before you make a cut scene.
4. set a dialog. make a good dialog too. example:

Alberth: who are you? = Correct
(Alberth): who are you? = false

if you want to add colour example: +b+Alberth+w+: who are you?

5. definete a good place. if you want to make a action mission, the correct place is in the high building or some street : narrow street, roof etc. make a race mission, the correct mission is in downton of city or the hill to make a drive race.

to example, download my syndicate mission to know how to make a good prepaation of your mission!
thank you.

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Jul 04 '13
Last Update
Jul 04 '13


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