DYOM » Text Tutorials » About DYOM Files

About DYOM Files

By The show Games

MPACK: Basically that's what makes the Mod work.
MPACK - mpack.dat: Do you know when you're on the menu and choose to enter DYOM? This is the text that will appear in the menu.
MPACK - scr.scm: The code that makes the mod what it is.
MPACK - text.gxt: It is the file used to load the text, be it from menu name, who made the mission, etc...

SD: The "SD" folder is for you to put sounds on their missions, interested? click here;
SD - Any folder: It is a folder that shows the sounds used in such a mission. "Why not put everything in SD and ready, sub-folders?" - The folder helps to: Organize, use various sounds of other missions without problems, among others.

DSL: This is where Storyline files are stored. Want to know more? click here.
DSL - _intro: File used when you start playing a Storyline (Save Missions as Intro)
DSL - _outro: File used when the storyline ends (usually are end scenes)
DSL - _story: File that saves the savegame of your Storyline
DSL - Any folder: Marker Mission

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May 13 '16
Last Update
Dec 31 '20


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