S.A. Noire - Behind The Patrol Desk
By alifjenius

This is the 2nd mission from the storyline : S.A. Noire
After solving the gusnhot case, Paul McRusty recruited John to be the member of Sheriff Department. John agreed with it as Paul need him so much. John's new partner, Luis Lupez, turned out to be his old army friend from San Andreas Civil War. Luis survived the civil war with the rest of the member of 101st Army Batallion, the same unit as John
Played as Sgt.Lemon (John) through the flashback of San Andreas Civil War...
After solving the gusnhot case, Paul McRusty recruited John to be the member of Sheriff Department. John agreed with it as Paul need him so much. John's new partner, Luis Lupez, turned out to be his old army friend from San Andreas Civil War. Luis survived the civil war with the rest of the member of 101st Army Batallion, the same unit as John
Played as Sgt.Lemon (John) through the flashback of San Andreas Civil War...
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 17 '11
- Views
- 1754
- Downloads
- 2577
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 46
- Actors
- 56
- Cars
- 11
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 35

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