S.A. Noire - Armed and Dangerous
By alifjenius

This is the 3rd mission from storyline : S.A. Noire
The first patrol of John Lemon with Luis Lupez. John faced a bank robbery in Las Barrancas involving San Andreas Traitors. John survived the heavily guarded bank filled with the traitors. Inside the bank, John surprised that his another old army friend, Boris Podolski, is the leader of the robbery... He is also in the same unit as John, 101st Army Batallion...
The first patrol of John Lemon with Luis Lupez. John faced a bank robbery in Las Barrancas involving San Andreas Traitors. John survived the heavily guarded bank filled with the traitors. Inside the bank, John surprised that his another old army friend, Boris Podolski, is the leader of the robbery... He is also in the same unit as John, 101st Army Batallion...
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 17 '11
- Views
- 1764
- Downloads
- 2744
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 48
- Actors
- 60
- Cars
- 10
- Pickups
- 11
- Objects
- 14

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Added by missionmaker on Oct 18 2011, 17:39
GOod mission
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