Possibly Impossible
By TheBoy
This is a mission I made cuz I was bored.
It tells a day of Justin's life.
He has a mission, but is it possible?
He looks like a normal guy.
He repairs computers as his job.
He's active on GTAF in his spare time.
But is he such a regular man as he looks like?
Find it out :D
Btw, I suck in giving descriptions ,so play it if you're curious.
It tells a day of Justin's life.
He has a mission, but is it possible?
He looks like a normal guy.
He repairs computers as his job.
He's active on GTAF in his spare time.
But is he such a regular man as he looks like?
Find it out :D
Btw, I suck in giving descriptions ,so play it if you're curious.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Mar 10 '12
- Views
- 1814
- Downloads
- 2556
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 54
- Actors
- 100
- Cars
- 8
- Pickups
- 3
- Objects
- 6

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