DYOM » Missions » Dead Rising full pack

Dead Rising full pack

By Ezio

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Last Update
May 24 '12


Rated 3 times, Average 4.67

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Added by Nice Shot on May 15 2012, 15:59
Wait a minute! Ezio you are xGhostx?
Added by Ezio on May 16 2012, 06:40
Of course, man! ;)
Added by jossiejoss on May 23 2012, 10:37
Thanks man... Greaaatt
Added by Wichitoo on May 23 2012, 22:14
Oh come on man !! Whats up with that ending? By the way I knew that cop was a motherfucker Thehehe ..
Added by Ezio on May 24 2012, 10:46
Well, the ending doesn't always have to be good. BTW, thanks for playing! ;)
Added by AvOn1394 on Aug 27 2012, 14:45
No disrespect, but yeah the ending was horrible.
You could've made both of them jump down and the end :(
And how did the Army get there anyway?
That was a great story.Best,man.
Added by R1X4FIN on Jan 03 2013, 04:40
Nice mission man rated 4. Was'nt realistic but still i was nice story (: i think the end was nice too i don't know why nobody does'nt like it i think it's good that the all missions does'nt have happy ending. once again nice job :D could you try my zombie apocalypse mission pack or some other mission packs? and tell me if i do something wrong i would really appreciate it if you try them or even one of them (:
Added by ammar on Jan 27 2013, 11:36
hey xghostx or EZIO ...... whatever, good work in this mission but i really whant to know, i downloaded your dead rising full pack,but i dont know where to put it, i tried to put it in the gta sa user files in the documents folder,but it dident work. how can i play it?
Added by Kiddo_Assasin on Oct 15 2015, 10:05
Oh I will try it..

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