S.A. Noire Chapter 2 [FIXED]
By alifjenius
S.A. Noire Chapter 2 - Detective Desk Investigation #1
I see there is a download problem before. I re-upload the .rar file and you can download it without any problem
John Lemon now is a detective of SFPD ! Now, he face a "Hit & Run" case that involve 3 dangerous gangs in San Andreas. Well, maybe it's just a little "Hit & Run" case. But it become bigger when the 3 gangs try to eliminate John Lemon from the case
This is the 2nd chapter that consist 7 missions that combine investigation, shooting, driving and sailing (yes, you'll driving a boat)
You can see the detail explanation of the storyline here : http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=485561
Enjoy Chapter 2 !
I see there is a download problem before. I re-upload the .rar file and you can download it without any problem
John Lemon now is a detective of SFPD ! Now, he face a "Hit & Run" case that involve 3 dangerous gangs in San Andreas. Well, maybe it's just a little "Hit & Run" case. But it become bigger when the 3 gangs try to eliminate John Lemon from the case
This is the 2nd chapter that consist 7 missions that combine investigation, shooting, driving and sailing (yes, you'll driving a boat)
You can see the detail explanation of the storyline here : http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=485561
Enjoy Chapter 2 !
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Added by General Scrotum on Nov 05 2011, 02:31
Moved from Storylines to Missions, as requested by alifjenius.
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Good use of interacting with the person playing and that part were an actor is using the HESOYAM cheat! lol