DYOM » Members » giorgx dyom

Profile of giorgx dyom

Banned on request.


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Gtaforums.com Usernamegiorgx dyom

giorgx dyom

Member Stats

Sep 08 '16
Last Login
Mar 31 '17
Missions made
4 Avg: 4.3
Trailers made
2 Avg: -
VideoTuts made
3 Avg: -
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
2 Avg: 3.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Grand theft auto mafia storiesOct 20 2016, 13:223.6710763813
after the end of the line0.1(beta)Nov 15 2016, 14:04-225815540
Big smokes dip storyJan 20 2017, 14:24-213314872

Trailer List

first trailerNov 15 2016, 14:15-
Video that was made from this missionJan 20 2017, 14:24-

Video Tutorial List

Actor copy pastingDec 27 2016, 17:47-
Copy paste actorsDec 27 2016, 17:49-
tutorial:how to make profile text betterDec 28 2016, 17:55-


Added by AnDReJ98 on Sep 08 2016, 14:36
Insulting me in the report section won't bring you anything good. Grow up kid.
Added by giorgx dyom on Sep 08 2016, 15:47
i wasnt me my litle brother got my pc and isulted you he even opened a new account
Added by giorgx dyom on Sep 08 2016, 15:50
usualy he was making making the mission and i just uploaded them
Added by Fatin Ilham on Sep 09 2016, 07:31
My name is Rocket man FI in gtaforums and dont insult Andrej nigga
Added by Fatin Ilham on Sep 10 2016, 04:22
Added by Fatin Ilham on Sep 11 2016, 14:12
Sorry,Lets be friends
Added by AnDReJ98 on Sep 22 2016, 20:12
There's no such a thing at this website. Only staff can send private messages. Use GTAForums if you want to sent a PM to someone.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Sep 27 2016, 18:51
No. You will have to mature a bit. No more ''changing accounts every week'' stuff. You will have to use this one so stick here.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Sep 27 2016, 19:16
Andrej is right.but let dutchy and patrick came once.They can add the feature.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Oct 01 2016, 05:23
Now you are annoyer if i am spammer,motherfucker.Learn some shit and come back.
Added by VenomDYOM on Oct 01 2016, 19:58
@Fatin Ilham: Learn some shit from spamming, you are here the target.
Added by VenomDYOM on Oct 07 2016, 15:58
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 10 2016, 22:15
I've used Xara 3D to make it.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 12 2016, 19:22
Hahah funny. Yeah, on English at least.
Added by Aftab on Oct 16 2016, 08:18
Giorg its 56 now. It will end tommorow. Vote for the best here.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 18 2016, 20:14
Listen, quit making multiple accounts, this is the last fucking warning, you are just being immature. Be happy that you are even here. Get a life and do something with it kid. Disguising as me with false accounts or any other member, won't give you anything good. Rather, opposite. Keep this in mind.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 19 2016, 15:50
Yes, it's you. It always has been you, so stop pretending and grow up.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 19 2016, 19:08
Listen, you can play stupid, but like i said, it won't bring you any good. Move on.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 25 2016, 18:29
If you really wanted to go away, you would have already. Like i told you, if you don't want to hang around anymore, just log out and don't come back. Better than ''ban you, then you make a new account to spam'' and the story goes on.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 03 2016, 19:15
i don't think you need another account (dog). Use this one.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 04 2016, 16:37
First, i'm not 17. Second, i have a real job. Third, you are the one who should get a life, instead of spamming and breaking the rules every day. Don't you have nothing else to do? And to correct you: This website IS secured because i can see your ips and make place enjoyable for everyone. We are here to share our missions and have fun, yet you ruin that. Calm down.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 04 2016, 16:38
Also, audicity is not my thing. I prefer to be original instead.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 05 2016, 23:13
Pfff, no need for a punishment. Just stay cool, respect the rules, and everything's gonna be fine.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 08 2016, 01:32
MP = Mission Pack

As for the color question, here - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/showtut/7

Adding more +h+, the lighter color.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 14 2016, 23:46
If you want Azenkei to make a walkthrough videos for you, go write him in the Youtube comments.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Nov 22 2016, 23:16
I need some time to fix this whole ''hacking issue'', patience would be good at the moment.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 04 2017, 02:46
Of course i like it! :D It's a great keks! Probably one of my favorites. How do you know about it tho? I don't think it's that famous outside.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 04 2017, 17:02
Nice to know! Keks is a cookie. So it's Plazma Cookie.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 05 2017, 00:34
Yea, chocolate ones are also great! Happy new year to you too.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 09 2017, 19:28
It all depends. But we will have a change of moderators in February.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 09 2017, 19:29
And yes, i've known that since the first time i got here.
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 25 2017, 16:03
Πραγματικα κλαιω οταν αποκαλεσες το group μου ψεματα, εχεις αποδειξεις οτι δεν ειμασταν group? Ειμαι πολλα χ`
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 25 2017, 16:06
Ειμαι πολλα χρονια στο DYOM απο το 2010, εγω ιδρυσα το Blue Ray Team με την βοηθεια καποιων φιλων. Δεν ηξερες καν το DYOM το 2010.
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 25 2017, 16:06
Εγω που ειμουν μελος στο GTAForums ηξερα οτι θα βγει DYOM τοτε. Θα σε παρακαλεσω αλλη φορα να μην βγαζεις λογια δι&#
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 25 2017, 16:07
..λογια δικα σου και με αποκαλεις και ψευτη.Αν επαιζες παλια DYOM θα ηξερες και τον αδερφο μου και το παλιο
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 25 2017, 16:07
group μου!!
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 26 2017, 16:06
Δεν πειραζει αδερφε χαχα ολα καλα εσυ, κοιτα το account σου το βρηκα μεσω του παλιου μου λογαριασμου!
Added by Alex.Magana on Jan 28 2017, 22:44
Εγω το βρηκα μεσω του παλιου λογαριασμου μου χαχα :p

Το παλιο σου προφιλ:
Added by Green Goo on Jan 31 2017, 14:13
Added by Green Goo on Feb 01 2017, 13:16
Dear friend, to let anyone in DYOM play my missions and give feedbacks about them, I sent a link of my mission to somebodies and you're one of them.
Please play and give feedbacks if you like my mission.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Mar 31 2017, 21:12
Banned on request.

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