DYOM » Members » edgaras904

Profile of edgaras904

The Undead March
In Progress


RespectListEveryone in Rockstar Games and DYOM Website
Gtaforums.com UsernameEdgar904


Member Stats

Jul 10 '12
Last Login
Nov 12 '13
Missions made
20 Avg: 2.4
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
14 Avg: 4.9

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
John's DepartmentJul 10 2012, 18:11-75811873
The PlanJul 10 2012, 19:13472210471
Chapter 1 The call for help Made by me-EJul 10 2012, 19:18212033213
Act 2-IntroJul 10 2012, 19:44-69910630
Act2-The First WarJul 10 2012, 19:46-78712870
The Live In San FieroJul 10 2012, 19:48387511689
Act2=The StorgeJul 10 2012, 20:46-82310001
Chapter 2 The New Enemy Jul 11 2012, 09:19-10312651
Chapter 3 The New LiveJul 11 2012, 10:38-9082730
IntroductionJul 16 2012, 14:1717369640
Operation KingfishSep 02 2012, 11:48-548513411
Rick And Jim Act 1Jan 18 2013, 13:51-7772150
James Bills Story ACT 1Jan 24 2013, 16:37-8132420
Ballas-Act 1Jan 25 2013, 15:20-8902781
Adventures Of Jin EPISODE 1 The AwakeninApr 06 2013, 17:0529562593
Military WarehousesJun 07 2013, 15:52-10659760
American LosesJun 07 2013, 20:41-6409560
CJ's Adventures Getting Some GunsJun 09 2013, 17:34-7289220
CJ's Adventures Clearing out The BalJun 09 2013, 17:36-69410880
The Undead March IntroSep 16 2013, 19:29-6359671


Added by Sorv on Jul 11 2012, 01:59
Hey actuly I also register here 10-july-2012
and U 2
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 11 2012, 09:25
If You want Diffrent Story then Tell me Tell me what Town And i'll Make it
Added by Sorv on Jul 11 2012, 10:34
where is ur Act 1 mission
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 11 2012, 10:41
If you want Act 1 or Act 2 Or act 3
They are Chapters
Just to let you know
And Comment
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 11 2012, 10:42
And + Tell me if you want diffrent story or diffrent live or diffrent city and town and i'll do it
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 11 2012, 10:48
By the Way Please Tell me if any one of them is good Cause i'm not getting any Many Members Commenting =[ thanks =]
Added by Sorv on Jul 12 2012, 05:33
edgaras Pls can we make a mission pack together .I have the story and I have made 4 missions. I will tell u the full story if u agree Pls..Pls..
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 10:24
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 10:25
I agree Just stop crying geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
Added by Sorv on Jul 12 2012, 12:38
Thanxx but i will tell u the story at my Blog [sorv-bhutta.blogspot.com]
All information will be there
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 13:44
ummmmmm i will try to make but it will be hard
By my self but
i'll try my best but the problem is
i can't make alot of actors i can make total 10 or else my game crashes sorry dude
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 13:45
I can make an Intro where His Father DIes
So i will try to make Acts
Added by Sorv on Jul 12 2012, 13:50
ok dude.
Added by Sorv on Jul 12 2012, 13:51
hey why dont install a seprate gta sanandreas for dyom without any mods . It will work
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 14:01
i dont use any mods
any way i will make an intro
where do you want it to be?
the intro like where his father dies
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 14:06
ok really i'm sorry but you gonna have to do it your self cause i'm making my own Storyline sry bro some one told me on skype
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 12 2012, 14:17
anyway i made the intro but you gonna have to do everything your self Sorry
Added by Sorv on Jul 12 2012, 17:17
Ok bro . Anyway dont make intro cause' i am not making a storyline and dont tell my story to anyone.i will make the story .
Added by Sorv on Jul 12 2012, 17:23
Ur Act-1 is so cool nice work and good luck for ur next storyline
Added by Rumman on Jul 13 2012, 09:22
Added by Sorv on Jul 16 2012, 02:27
Thanx edgaras904 for Playing and rating my mission.
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 16 2012, 14:15
Ok guys i'am planing to make a new Story You will Find out But first Just try out my Intro
Added by edgaras904 on Sep 02 2012, 14:38
try out Operation KingFish
Added by edgaras904 on Jan 14 2013, 17:57
i'M BACk bitches!!!!! Happy new year :)
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 07 2013, 18:50
Thank you for Playing my mission, your feedback was very helpful
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 07 2013, 20:20
the pleasure is all mine :)
Added by ALOKIK on Jun 08 2013, 17:28
thanks bro.
and i think, you are real gta player
because real players always like difficulty.

the chapter is coming soon....
Added by edgaras904 on Jun 09 2013, 12:34
Yes But I ain't Pro at Making Missions but i will Do what i can With my Friend(StalkerTheJimmy)
Added by Lockmane12 on Jun 09 2013, 23:58
Good news friend, I have decided that I will continue with making "Cross", I don't know why I put that I was discontinuing making my missions, I was in a weird mood yesterday. Nonetheless I will not stop making missions. Hope you will continue to follow my missions.
Added by Martincho on Jul 07 2013, 00:52
Thanks man, i appreciate that you played my missions, i'm not very recognized in DYOM but you're cool, i like your missions too!
Added by Target13 on Jul 07 2013, 16:37
Thanks man :D
Added by Target13 on Jul 08 2013, 17:17
Heads up! New Modern Combat mission! Town's Blood
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 27 2013, 11:20
I'm sorry all people for Being away i was busy with university(ask all you want about my work there)I am back now and Getting into Serious Action Please Forgive me it was Hard work and i deserve 1 month vacation
Regards to the people who play my missions(Thank you)
Also T13 and Martincho You are on my Respect list now
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 27 2013, 17:32
Want to Chit Chat with me?
Go here
Added by DarkNation on Sep 15 2013, 12:29
Thanks for the support. hope that continues. :)
Added by DarkNation on Sep 17 2013, 11:05
delete the whole files on the DSL Folder and then play it 1 by 1. without storyline.
Added by DarkNation on Sep 25 2013, 03:47
Im still busy. but don't worry il be back making new missions soon, maybe october.
Added by Tony Stark on Oct 28 2013, 11:34
Hey!! I can't now make more codename A.G.E.N.T. but if you want you can continue it ,reply soon on my profile
Added by Tony Stark on Dec 14 2013, 08:20
Hey! If anyone wants to me to start Codename A.G.E.N.T. 3,Anyone Comment "Agent" On my profile and when I get 5 comments I will start to make Codename A.G.E.N.T. 3!
Added by Tony Stark on Mar 21 2014, 13:37
No new Ideas for Codename A.G.E.N.T. 3 ,if any Idea ,Comment on my profile.
Added by Tony Stark on Mar 21 2014, 13:37
No new Ideas for Codename A.G.E.N.T. 3 ,if any Idea ,Comment on my profile.
Added by Tony Stark on Mar 23 2014, 10:01
Codename Agent 3,First Episode Available
Added by Tony Stark on Jul 08 2014, 17:00
I am back And now I will start with Haider

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