DYOM » Members » StuntmanDYOM

Profile of StuntmanDYOM

The recreator of Game missions

Small projects:
-Minimissions DYOM(need ideas)
-San andreas 2

GTA Remakes:
-GTA IV (Remake,Sidemissions,Multiplayer)
-GTA EFLC(Both Eps)

Other Game remakes:
-Triad Life(FC3)
-Mafia II

-San andreas mafia

-Taking over..
-Steve's Adventures

Being worked on:
-Aztecas Stories
-No Crossover Limit

Mission Plans:
-The food Chain

Plans for aztecas stories
* 100 - 110 missions if i don't get lazy
* A mission where you have to stop 4 cars without destroying them

My DYOM Mission description
Player: the player(s)
Friends: The actors with "Follow player"
Enemies: the actors with "Enemy1 or 2" gang.
Objective: Why you do the mission.
Cars: Cars you drive in the mission.
Weapons: Weapons you have in the mission.
For: The guy you do it for.


LocationLiberty Fuckin City
BirthdateTop Secret not for your eyes
RespectListPatrickW and Dutchy(Making DYOM)
Target(being awesome)
Rolnikpl(Awesome and hard polish missions)
NUDA!Official(Missions that make no sense.)
leoncj(or LnD)(Making THAT many missions?)
Jimmy_leppard(awesome missionpacks.)

Gtaforums.com UsernameStuntmanDYOM


Member Stats

Aug 03 '12
Last Login
Oct 24 '13
Missions made
Trailers made
10 Avg: 3.5
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
1 Avg: 4.7
Comments made
Ratings made
7 Avg: 3.0

Mission List

No missions found

Trailer List

Love for the hood DYOMMar 18 2013, 17:24-
Cockblock minimissions DYOMMar 19 2013, 17:10-
Casino money videoMar 22 2013, 17:01-
Race 4 freedomMar 22 2013, 20:233.5
Shoppin GangstersMar 23 2013, 12:24-
Boat kaboomMar 24 2013, 12:26-
GvB Trailer Apr 30 2013, 07:17-
The Restaurant attackJul 16 2013, 14:09-
North Los SantosJul 16 2013, 14:10-
Fight for a bikeJul 16 2013, 14:47-

Text Tutorial List

How to make a 3-car convoyJul 11 2013, 19:013690


Added by 000McKing on Oct 21 2012, 19:43
Can you help me? When I download a mission I can only find a notepad file. What should I do?
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Oct 28 2012, 13:51
does it say .dat after the file?
Maybe you turned your .dat files into notepad files
Added by santisuper1 on Apr 02 2013, 18:51
tarado localización de tu país no del juego osea los santos no!!! estamos jodidos
Added by King on Apr 02 2013, 19:05
Good Missions
Like your work and also mafia series
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Apr 03 2013, 17:45
-King) Thanks
-santisuper) what? English do you speak it?
Added by edgaras904 on Apr 07 2013, 14:13
hi stuntman :)
Added by StuntmanDYOM on May 09 2013, 20:55
I put some Aztecas Stories info on my profile which i put in a notepad when im done with the Series.
Added by rolnikpl on May 13 2013, 19:18
Odpowiedzia³em na twoje pytanie na moim profilu, zobacz sam! ;-)
Acha, chcia³em ciê o co¶ poprosiæ. Zrób misjê która ma fabu³ê
tylko ¿e po polsku, wystarczy jedna.
Mam nadziejê ¿e j± zrobisz.
Added by LucayOrlando on Jun 04 2013, 18:01
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Jul 11 2013, 19:00
Added by Martincho on Jul 16 2013, 07:40
Hey i like your missions, they're really cool! :)
I added you to my respectlist
Added by StuntmanDYOM on Jul 16 2013, 14:07
Thank you.
Added by StuntmanDYOM2 on Aug 04 2013, 13:11
My stuff will be now on this new account.

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