DYOM » Missions » The last enemy that shall be destroyed P

The last enemy that shall be destroyed P

By Mati

This is the first part of the last mission of anniversary project Johnny Nixon Chronicles.

Johnny and his biker friends storm Mike's Mansion and discover a secret object.

NOTE: All our missions are connected to each other so I suggest you to play the previous mission before this one so that you can understand and follow our story. You are able to follow this mission series in this topic --> http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=465484



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Last Update
Oct 16 '11

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Rated 77 times, Average 3.94

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Added by abishai.kochara on Oct 20 2011, 13:00
i have just downloaded this I will comment after playing
Added by Blue Ray Team on Oct 29 2011, 20:15
well how lol you got 303 :P :O Cool! but you or your friend can download this file more..! like you press download and then its done! you have Mission!But other ppl or your friends can download this! Just they have a lot of GB's IN PC and they are downloading missions! :|
Added by abishai.kochara on Nov 06 2011, 16:16
awesome mission
Added by WRE99 on Nov 11 2011, 20:17
Added by victor2345tmt on Nov 16 2011, 13:51
cool man i like this
Added by carlo123321 on Nov 22 2011, 21:33
me too
Added by arcangel643 on Nov 23 2011, 20:59
Added by zeny on Nov 26 2011, 14:43
How to download?
Added by Janno on Nov 27 2011, 13:52
how to download :(
Added by xbaguvixx on Dec 07 2011, 15:35
it says there "DOWNLOAD"
upper than the vote thing
Added by zimmer370 on Dec 18 2011, 20:26
my favorite mission!
Added by shah99 on Dec 29 2011, 07:52
Added by Dani3l on Jan 03 2012, 17:29
this is awesome mission!
Added by Peter on Jan 07 2012, 15:12
Not bad,
Added by Guilherme on Jan 09 2012, 21:43
red dead redempticom? kkkkkkkkk
Added by Javier Aguirre on Jan 26 2012, 01:17
That's all? just kill them?
Added by MmM on Jan 26 2012, 18:37
Added by adidas78 on Feb 06 2012, 15:47
Cool mission man i played it a lot of times and it's awesome :)
Added by WRE99 on Feb 20 2012, 19:30
Good mission!
Added by Rodrigo.Mv on Mar 26 2012, 01:43
how can I put colored words?pleasse '-'
Added by wct on Mar 27 2012, 02:28
Added by Riczz on Apr 02 2012, 19:10
Download notepad++ go to the game, make a cutscene : To color the text type +r+word+w+ +y+word+w+
Added by Riczz on Apr 02 2012, 19:11
And +b+word+w+ +b+word+w+ :D
Added by DonFedrizzi on May 07 2012, 08:14
Great missions, man!
Really awesome!
Added by bakerbaqa on May 18 2012, 14:03
how to downloud it?!??!?!
Added by Nightmare X on May 28 2012, 12:06
How do i download it any help :)
Added by bitan1997 on Jul 10 2012, 18:43
good keep it up
Added by Killingboy on Jul 21 2012, 22:40
How to download it?
Added by Killingboy on Jul 21 2012, 22:45
Can someone tell me how to download it, please!!!
Added by Diegocybermissions on Jul 24 2012, 17:45
good job, Buen trabajo!!!!
Added by Ruben on Jul 29 2012, 06:41
esta buenoo sii xD pero algo dificil
Added by ayush on Aug 04 2012, 12:34
Added by lenin on Aug 09 2012, 01:41
muy bien
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:58
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:59
thank ok
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:59
help me!!!!!
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:59
like ok
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:59
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:59
Added by Mohammed123 on Aug 15 2012, 04:59
Added by Rubenbere on Aug 25 2012, 17:44
find the mission called JJ by Rubenbere
Added by Scorpion22Fear3 on Sep 01 2012, 02:44
I like it , it's a little difficult, but, i Like it, Good Work!
Keep it like that!
Added by DyomDevil on Oct 06 2012, 11:04
Hey mati,i have to admit that although this is a great mission,I first downloaded it because I thought it was red dead redemption last mission :P
Added by RagingDroidX on Oct 14 2012, 08:30
Very nice :D
Added by Kevan on Oct 20 2012, 16:51
hey where is the download link?
Added by 000McKing on Oct 21 2012, 19:42
WTF? I clicked on the number 4 on the download, and after the download I only see a notepad file! What am I supposed to do?
Added by Zohair Irani on Nov 21 2012, 16:03
Good Mission , Mati..How Did u Create That rocket Sort Of Thing?
I t was Freaking Awesome !
And Where will I get list of objects.. i always get bored scrolling through lot of objects to get the right one ....
Added by KornelTMWHP on Jan 26 2013, 17:55
+w+ = white letters
+y+ = yellow letters
+g+ = green letters
blue.. grey.. blablablabla.
Added by MC_NB_CJ on Feb 06 2013, 09:44
Just Only Killing Them Makes A Mission Pinned ? But How,..?
Added by Rick Stiven on Feb 22 2013, 20:59
I'l play it later. :)
Added by Vinesh on Mar 21 2013, 16:15
Extreme Man
Added by DyomMaker 209@ on Apr 23 2013, 07:04
Awesome man keep up the good Work!!
Added by ryder nigga on Jun 25 2013, 21:07
the best mission in the world
Added by Chaoscriminal on Aug 30 2013, 03:49
Red Dead Redemption
Added by mijata cj2 on Nov 01 2013, 22:31
hey man look at my mission
Added by darkoverlord234 on Jan 18 2014, 17:34
I do not understand why this mission is so cool????
Added by Huzaifa on Jan 19 2014, 21:25
Nice and cool mati 5 stars :-)
Added by Varun and Ajay on Mar 27 2014, 07:41
hey its verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry niccccccccccccccccccccccccccccce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Added by Reza Alpiansah on May 01 2014, 06:22
Keren Bro
Added by P@trick on Aug 14 2014, 12:45
como que faz para baixar?? alguem me ajuda
Added by 00man00 on Sep 25 2014, 15:36
- Me ajude por favor!

Depois de instalar as missões, eu vou ao jogo, eu clico em "Carregar Missões" e eu escolho a missão que eu quero, a missão não roda, em vez de mostrar o nome da missão (que aparece no canto inferior direito da tela) só aparece "dyom" ai eu ganho "respeito", como se a missão tivesse terminado.
Added by sameer on Oct 27 2014, 07:45
Check Out My Mission Too
SuperNatural Chapter 1
Added by KC10a on Jan 18 2015, 17:08
Hi My name is KC10a ! Check my these missions

Added by umar zaheer on Mar 12 2015, 13:12
how to download
Added by Sinaxo on Jun 26 2015, 16:57
Cool, my favorite part was to kill the enemies!
Added by Killer Tozo GTA on Oct 01 2015, 16:59
Really cool but a little easy.
Added by robot45 on Oct 27 2017, 05:17
looks cool
Added by S3DOx on Nov 19 2017, 20:36
Good Game
Added by carlosboss360 on May 23 2018, 16:48
Hi My name is carlosboss360 Check my these missions

Added by Coa98 on Sep 06 2018, 17:45
Nice !
Added by ThatDYOMdude1 on Aug 09 2019, 06:07
the mission is good not gonna lie! 3 stars!
Added by Viotelli on Sep 27 2019, 05:07
Awsome! 4 stars tho cuz Sometimes its too easy XD i am not acting leik i am the best but some mison was not hard AT ALL... LOL

hope u understand!
Added by Jaskola on Mar 15 2020, 20:32
Good mission mati To download it, just see the top right of the screen :)
Added by Habib Dz on May 08 2020, 03:11
stupid mission

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